Searches your device for music files and associated cover art, and allows you to search the internet for additional
cover art and download any art missing from your music library.
Planned for integration with my Grid Music
music player.
Current implemented features :
- Uses MediaStore Content Provider to discover music files and associated cover art on your device
- Uses public JSON APIs to query and download album cover art
- Integrated google search as an alternative method for searching for missing cover art
New Android development techniques I explored with this project :
- My first use of ViewHolders with it...will definitely integrate them into GridMusic
- Use of LoaderManagers to asynchronously perform network tasks
- Retrieval and parsing of JSON data from public web APIs
- Use of progressbars and empty list views to enhance ListView presentation
- The use of RelativeLayouts and selective view visibility to efficiently switch between view content
- Having multiple clickable view elements within a ListView element
- Use of custom class comparators and Collection.sort() to organize ListView data