Ok, I had way too much fun creating the quiz app.

My girlfriend is always making me take those facebook quizzes so I decided
to turn the tables on her and give her a quiz about something important.....me !

I was planning on having the quiz show all the correct answers at the end, but
ended up giving it to my family to play with before I had implemented that part.
That was the best thing I could have done. They spent over an hour playing with
the app, first trying to outdo each other's score, and then working together to
try to get a perfect score. It was amazing watching them thoroughly enjoy
something that I had created.

I think the ultimate goal of software should be to help people accomplish or
enjoy something without getting in the way and watching my family enjoying my
app, I have to say I was pretty successful.

I spent a lot of time searching and reading how to do new things on Android.
Whenever I thought of something cool to add to it, I would start googling how to
do it. I think once you have the basics down for a language/platform, this is a
great next step.

Oh, and the pic is a pic of me and my best bud, Darwin, up at Ski Bowl a few
years ago.

Some cool features I figured out:

Send me feedback, questions, or ideas
