Dark Kingdoms

A world torn by war.


Send me feedback, questions, or ideas


A project in which I am exploring large-scale, autonomous battles. The main trade-off I have used to allow massive battles without extreme lag is turn turn off all physics collisions between units. The unit prefabs do include colliders, so that they may be picked up by Physics.2D.OverlapCircleAll() (which I use for finding enemy targets) but they don't actually collide with each other. This means they run over each other and get packed pretty close together, not the most realistic situation, but I think it still looks pretty decent and battle-like. There is also no animation for movement or battle. Once I learn the basics of Unity animation, I will add some simple animation and see how it impacts the scale I am able to achieve. Each unit includes code for controlling its own movement, targeting and attacks.

It's been a few releases of Unity since I first implemented this. Added some major performance improvements and some movement tweaks

v1.02 Feb 22, 2018

Big Features

Internal fixes, cleanups and optimizations

v1.03 April 7, 2018

Visible changes

Under the covers changes

v1.04 April 22, 2018

Big changes

Under the covers changes

v1.05 April 28, 2018